WAP to report behavior of the Linux Kernel including information on configured memory, amount of free and used memory (Memory information) - 👑 सार्थक मुंड S3 🤴🏻

WAP to report behavior of the Linux Kernel including information on configured memory, amount of free and used memory (Memory information)

report behavior of the Linux Kernel

Write a Program(WAP) to report behavior of the Linux Kernel including information on configured memory, amount of free and used memory (Memory information)  

using namespace std;
int main()
cout<<"\n The Kernel Version is : \n";
cout<<"\n The CPU Space : \n";
system("cat/proc/cpuinfo | awk 'NR==3, NR==4{print}'\n");
cout<<"\n Amount of CPU time since system was last booted is : ";
system("cat/proc/uptime \n");
cout<<"\n The configured memory is :\n ";
system("cat/proc/meminfo | awk 'NR == 1{print $2}'\n");
cout<<"\n Amount of free memory :\n ";
system("cat/proc/meminfo | awk 'NR == 2{print $2}'\n");
cout<<"\n Amount of used memory is :\n ";
system("cat/proc/meminfo | awk '{if (NR==1) a=$2; if(NR==2) b=$2 }END {print a-b}' \n");
return 0;

WAP to report behavior of the Linux Kernel including information on configured memory, amount of free and used memory (Memory information)

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